Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that allows businesses to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks. Software robots can be trained to perform a variety of tasks that involve digital systems such as data entry, invoicing, and customer service.
RPA is different from traditional automation in that it mimics human behaviour and can be programmed to learn new processes as they are performed. It can be implemented quickly, with minimal disruption to existing processes, and with lower costs than traditional automation methods.
How does it work?
RPA works by using software robots that are designed to perform specific tasks. These robots are trained to interact with digital systems and to follow a set of instructions or rules. They can read and extract data from emails, documents, or websites, and perform actions such as filling out forms, generating reports, or sending notifications.
Robots can be programmed to work on a schedule or in response to specific triggers, such as an incoming email or a change in a database. They can also be integrated with other systems or tools, such as chatbots, to provide a seamless customer experience.
There are many benefits for a business to adapt RPA. It will increase productivity since robots can work 24/7. There are substantial cost savings as well since it can reduce the need for manual labour. More importantly, companies realised there is improved accuracy as compared to humans as robots can eliminate errors and inconsistencies in data entry, improving data quality. Some companies have also indicated that when they implemented RPA in some of their mundane processes, it led to increase morale for their workforce!
The benefits are endless so please contact us for a non-obligation chat where we can share more with you!